
After twelve years in as a volunteer at the Denver Waldorf School, Carolyn's passion for education and kids continues with a new career in College Counseling. Working both sides of the business, from the school perspective and independent perspective, gives her unique insight into the in's and out's of the college admission's process.

I am a member of four organizations providing me with education and professional development. attending between 2 and 3 conferences each year. Visiting colleges and universities and taking part in timely seminars such as social media and teens, generational trends, "hot" majors, LD college counseling and financial aid are just a few of the topics I have explored. I visit schools all over the country and consider myself a "student of colleges" to quote the great Steve Antonoff. These activities give me particular insights into what is happening in Higher Ed and keep me timely and up to date.

I have given presentations on the college process and teach a class to rising juniors on the same topic.

I am able to work with students and families on finding the right college "fit", financial aid, long term strategies for academics and testing. My goal is to help students find the school where their academic goals are met, career aspirations are addressed and financial needs are taken into consideration. For parents, I work to ease the stress of the process and give them some peace of mind.

About Me

Carolyn P. Francis, founder and President of Carolyn Francis Consulting, counsels students and families on their journey through the under graduate college admissions and post-high school planning.

Carolyn grew up in Princeton, New Jersey, the daughter of a professor, where she spent her childhood frequenting the university campus and was able to take advantage of the culture and academic life of the university. She gained a deep respect and admiration for higher education which she continues to cultivate today.

She has received a B.A. in History from Colorado College and an executive MBA from The University of Denver.

After graduating from Colorado College, Carolyn worked in retail and manufacturing for many years, before joining the Board of the Denver Waldorf School (DWS) leading her back to her first passion of higher education. At the DWS, she provided leadership and vision during multiple advancements such as the creation of a development program that has successfully contributed to the continued physical and financial growth of DWS, and she led the Board during the purchase and move to a new larger, much-needed facility. Carolyn’s unique ability to lead a group to a common goal and create consensus within a diverse community (parents, faculty, administration and board) further enhances her counseling qualifications in providing positive results for students and parents during their college admissions process.

Carolyn started as an ad-hoc college counselor for the DWS high school. During this time she became an Independent Educational Consultant, receiving training from IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association). She is a member of NACAC, RMACAC, HECA and an Associate Member of IECA. IECA and HECA are organizations that support, educate and provide standards of conduct unique to the college counseling industry. Carolyn participates in Continuing Education through IECA, HECA and organized trips to different regions for college tours and educational seminars.

Carolyn is active on the Development Committee at the Denver Waldorf School and past co-chair of the board. She has developed and taught (in conjunction with a colleague from the Waldorf School of the Peninsula) a seminar at the AWSNA (Association of Waldorf Schools of North America) conference on college counseling in Waldorf High Schools. Carolyn also has experience working with International Students, First Generation Students and those with Learning Differences.

Carolyn has also conducted numerous presentations for professional organizations with the goal of demystifying the college process. She is available to present to your organization or business.

Carolyn is a lover of puzzles; doing daily crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles in her spare time is similar to the joy of helping students through the college application process. Completing and fitting together "pieces" whether it be words, puzzles or a student is highly gratifying.These outcomes are just as important to her as her clients and will serve each student and family with respect and professionalism.

Among the students Carolyn has successfully counseled through the college application process are her own two children who attended DWS K-8 and Kent Denver for high school. This has given Carolyn a unique perspective on different educational philosophies enabling her to evaluate each students backgrounds and needs to create a streamlined application process.

Today, she is dedicated to making post high school planning and college admissions easier and more effective for students and their families.

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Experience: Less than 10 years

Campus tours: 6 to 10 / year


MBA Business Administration and Management, General University of Denver - Daniels College of Business

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