
Ms. Prout is the #1 highest rated College Advisor!
Ms. Veronica Prout is currently the #1 highest rated College Advisor on CollegeVine. Ms. Prout has the highest rating and most reviews out of all CollegeVine College Advisors. Her care for the wellbeing of students and her belief in their dreams and abilities to reach them make her a wonderful counselor to have. Ms. Prout's trained MeiguoEdu College Advisors are carefully selected to have the same spirit and love of students that she has. Welcome to MeiguoEdu!

About Me

As a paid writing tutor for her peers in both high school and college, Ms. Veronica Prout graduated with distinction from UCLA in 2010 with a B.A. in Philosophy and a minor in Chicana and Chicano Studies. Ms. Prout started her own education consultancy called MeiguoEdu, which means "American Education" in Mandarin, after teaching U.S. high school English and seeing the unmet needs of international and local students. Through MeiguoEdu, Ms. Prout has advised 500+ students from across the United States and has traveled to 15+ cities in China, visiting families and helping their children see the worth in building their abilities for their futures. Ms. Prout also spent a year teaching English at the Beijing Royal School in Beijing, China and has learned from brilliant children and their families how to be successful in the 21st century. Thanks to CollegeVine, Ms. Prout is now delivering her elite services to every day Americans and people around the world.

Specialty Areas

Arts performing and visual arts applications, portfolios, Auditions, k12 Day/Boarding Schools, College Financing, General Ed Counseling, k12 High School Placement/Relocation USA, Counselor in a High School, Transfer Planning, Grad School Admissions-General

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Experience: More than 10 years

Campus tours: 11 to 15 / year


Bachelor's Degree B.A. in Philosophy University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

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