
I am an Independent Education Consultant specializing in medical school admissions. I have several years of medical school admissions experience. I worked with the admissions team of an elite medical school and have (current) firsthand knowledge of what admissions teams desire in an applicant. My experience on the inside of admissions, offers an edge very few professionals in this industry have.
My professional journey started as a Corporate Psychologist (M.S.) with a Fortune 500 company where I incorporated the study of social intelligence and talent selection. Mastering an admissions interview is equal parts art and science. I know the art and science behind a successful interview. More importantly, I know how to coach my clients for success.
I received a second M.S. in Counseling Psychology and worked with students as a career counselor. My individualized approach and client centric attitude helps alleviate stress during the application process. I care about my client's mental health and wellbeing throughout the application process. Creating a happy, healthy, and effective future Physician is vital.
The creation of Vital Med School Advising, LLC was driven by my passion to help clients foster professional development and my desire to champion future generations of medical students. The decision to become a medical student is exciting. The admissions process is competitive. My expertise and guidance are vital.

About Me

Providing future physicians valuable insight and guidance to forge their own path to medical school and embark upon a successful career in medicine.

My Background
I am an accomplished admissions advisor with many years of medical school admissions experience. I’ve worked alongside the admissions team of an elite medical school and have (current) firsthand knowledge of what admissions desire in an applicant. My experience on the inside of an admissions team, offers an edge very few professionals in this industry have.

My professional journey started as a Corporate Psychologist (MS) with a Fortune 500 company where I incorporated the study of social intelligence (IA) and talent selection. Mastering an admissions interview is equal parts art and science. I know the art and science behind a successful interview. More importantly, I know how to coach my clients for success.

I received my second (MS) in Counseling Psychology and worked with students as a Career Counselor. My individualized approach and client centric attitude, help alleviate the stress in the application process. I care about my client’s mental health and wellbeing throughout the application process. Creating a healthy, happy, and effective future Physician is vital.

My passion for both Corporate (IA) and my desire to champion future generations of students, was a natural progression for my success today.

The decision to become a Medical Student is exciting. The admissions process is competitive. My expertise and guidance are vital.

My Business Model
A dual model approach to business is my key to success: both personalization and professionalism are at the core.

Personalization- When you work with Vital Med School Advising, LLC, you work with me. You will not be assigned to another counselor who advises “on the side”. Its me, my company and my vested interest for your success. Your success is my success. You will receive a clear, strategic, and customized roadmap with my support every step of the way. My services are customizable to your needs. Whether you are taking your first pre-med courses, studying for the MCAT, polishing your med school application, or seek interview coaching, I am striving to optimize your chances of getting accepted. Additionally, I care about your mental health and wellbeing throughout the process. Creating a healthy, happy, and effective future physician is vital.

Professionalism- Vital Med School Advising, LLC is the best way to maximize your chances of getting accepted. My years on the inside of med school admissions, are crucial to understanding what makes an applicant successful. I combine my professional corporate behavior with my med school insider knowledge, to optimize your chances of getting accepted.

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Experience: Less than 10 years

Campus tours: 6 to 10 / year


Master's Degree M.S., Counseling Psychology/School Counseling St. Bonaventure University

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