Ayden F. Masudi is America’s leading authority on getting your child in the college of their choice without using all your savings, sacrificing your current lifestyle or going plain broke. Ayden had dreams – dreams of going to UC Berkeley.
Raised in northern California Ayden was a top rated baseball player in the Bay Area and had many UC’s and state colleges alike trying to recruit him for their schools. Everything seemed to be going perfectly in his life – he thought he didn’t need to plan for college because it seemed that college would just fall into his lap. That was until an accident occurred that left his dreams of UC Berkeley shattered.
Senior year of high school, Ayden’s knee was damaged to where he could no longer participate in baseball. Suddenly, all of the recruiters disappeared and he was left with no way to get into college. He hadn’t planned on anything – he had mistakenly believed that athletics would be his sole source of college funding and would carry him through his four years of school. Being a first generation student, Ayden didn’t have any help at home when it came to the college process. Things seemed bleak for the former athlete.
Even the high school Ayden attended proved to be unhelpful in last minute college planning. Ayden was given wrong information from the financial aid officers of the colleges, he found himself incorrectly filling out financial aid forms for college. This mistake led to a mountain of debt – in excess of 45,000 dollars in student loans. Ayden’s mistakes and lack of planning lead him down the frightening path of massive debt.
After his painful college experience, he decided to devote his life and career helping kids and parents learn the truth about the college planning process and what it takes to get accepted to any college of the child’s choice, receive thousands of dollars of financial aid, regardless of income or assets, and properly fund for the cost of college without going broke.
Ayden is very passionate about helping students and families alike; and teaching how to take advantage of the financial aid process so they can avoid the mistakes he made in his youth. He knows what it’s like to have your dreams taken away from you. He knows what it feels like to have no place to turn for help. He has lived through this experience and has come out with a passion to help assist people who are in need, like he was.
Career/Aptitude Assessment
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, San Jose State University, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Colorado Boulder, University of California, Davis, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Pennsylvania State University -- University Park, Purdue University -- West Lafayette, University of California, Berkeley, University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities, Iowa State University, Arizona State University -- Tempe Campus.
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Experience: More than 10 years
Campus tours: 11 to 15 / year
Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications California State University - East Bay
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