My diverse work experience allows me to better help students explore their own career options and university destinations.
I’m originally from the US and have spent extensive time in Europe and South America. I am fluent in Spanish.
I have a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Aerospace engineering from USC in Los Angeles, an MBA from IE University in Madrid, am an ICF certified coach, have studied CliftonStrengthsTM assessments and coaching, and have completed my certificate in University Admissions Counseling through the UCLA Extension program.
I worked at JPL-NASA in Los Angeles, and continued working in the satellite navigation field in Madrid (at GMV) until we first moved to Prague in 2008. I then completed my MBA and upon returning to Madrid started working for an internet start-up ( We moved to Asunción, Paraguay, in 2014 and while there I worked on an education project for the United Nations which focused on expanding the university offer in Paraguay. I also produced and sold craft beer under the Brewjas label, established with my business partner, April Marcus.
My practical work experience in admissions was completed here in Prague at the Prague British International School (PBIS). I have been working with private clients over the last 2 years and am a member of the International Association for College Admission Counseling.
I am married to a Spaniard, the mother of three daughters, one of whom is studying at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, and we have four dogs (three labradors and one jack russel+dachtsund mix). In my spare time I throw pottery on the wheel.
International to USA
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Experience: Less than 3 years
Campus tours: 3 to 5 / year
Master's Degree MBA IE University
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