Julia Rivera directs and coordinates the preparation department for international standardized tests at a university in the Dominican Republic. Our specialist not only has extensive experience in international enrollment, but previously worked in the Admissions Department in Chicago, where she has since shared her recommendations with students and parents on how to be accepted to a university, from the point of view of the institution.
Academic Training:
• Master in International Trade
(Université de Provence, France)
• Master in Higher Education
(American College of Education, USA)
• Certificate College Counseling
(University of California San Diego, USA)
• International Diploma English Language Teaching (IDELT)
(Bridge Education Group, USA)
General Ed Counseling
Berklee College of Music, Pennsylvania State University -- University Park, University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor, Northeastern University, Purdue University -- West Lafayette, University of Florida, Full Sail University, Wagner College, Universidad Anahuac Cancun, University of Central Florida, Purdue University Northwest, University of San Francisco, Wheaton College, The George Washington University, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, University of Kentucky, American University, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey -- New Brunswick, Bryant University, Suffolk University, Rollins College, Loyola University Chicago, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
Meet with
Experience: Less than 10 years
Campus tours: 6 to 10 / year
Master's Degree Master of Education - M.Ed., Higher Education/Higher Education Administration American College of Education
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