
I'm proud to say that I graduated with cum laude honors from an Ivy League university with a degree in both of my passions (I double–majored in sociology and theatre directing). I am also proud to say that I spent three years applying to over thirty universities and auditioning for several dozen theatre programs, abandoned my first university on the eve of my first day, decided to transfer out of my second university before my first winter break rolled around, and chose to add an entire second major in addition to my theatre major with only three semesters of college remaining in the early days of COVID-19–– all without any accommodations or support for my then–undiagnosed A.D.H.D. I am living proof that the collegiate path to success is not necessarily quick, simple, nor straightforward.​ In the end, I conquered my endless battle with the application process thanks to the skills and insights I developed as an applicant by way of trial and error. But in truth, it was never a fair fight–– each trial and every error cost me an outrageous amount of time, money, and heartache that I should not have been forced to expend at such a young age in order to achieve such a universal goal: to gain admission to a college where I would thrive socially, emotionally, and academically. My frustrating journey through the perilous admissions system sparked my passion for helping students conquer it without suffering–– suffering which can be eradicated entirely if we provide students with the resources they need. It has become my personal purpose to provide those resources. That is why I became a college admissions consultant.​

About Me

Miller Liberatore (they/them) is a college admission consultant with a specialty in Theatre & LGBTQIA+ students. They graduated cum laude with two degrees from Barnard of Columbia University: a sociology degree with a thesis in Gender & Sexuality, and a theatre directing degree. In both of those studies they focused on the intersection of sociology and theatre, and have taken that niche focus into everything ever since: during their professional C.A.C. certification at U.C. Berkeley and especially throughout their professional practice. Miller is the incoming co-chair of the Advocacy/DEI committee for HECA, in a nonprofit group called IECs for Human Rights (a group of IECs who work to uplift human rights issues in the context of college admissions), and on the board of a new nonprofit organization called Campus Q (which seeks to promote safety and wellbeing for LGBTQIA+ college applicants/students). They are also a working theatre director and youth theatre teacher. Miller is especially equipped to help students in the world of theatre program admissions (including monologue/performance prep), and/or students who want to ensure their future safety/wellbeing as an LGBTQIA+ student.

Specialty Areas

Arts performing and visual arts applications, portfolios, Auditions, General Ed Counseling

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Experience: Less than 3 years

Campus tours: 11 to 15 / year


Bachelor's degree BS Sociology Barnard College

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