
College Flight Path is focused on serving students in grades 8-12 with college counseling, list building, interview preparation, essay preparation, test preparation, transition to college, career counseling, and resume preparation services.

About Me

Our organization has supported students identifying their best fit college and career plan for over two decades. By assessing students' unique qualities, including a holistic review of their academic journey, extracurricular activities, and who they are, we build lists of best fit colleges. Students are empowered through our process with the confidence and independence to determine their needs rooted in financial, social, emotional, and intellectual fit at the best institutions for them across the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, and the EU. Our founder has visited over 1000 colleges and explores new institutions yearly to uncover emerging programs and trends.

Specialty Areas

General Ed Counseling, Learning Accommodations, Athletic Recruiting, USA to International, International to USA, Transfer Planning, Test Prep Services, Counselor in a High School, Career/Aptitude Assessment, Grad School Admissions-General

Students Enrolled

Pennsylvania State University -- University Park, University of Pittsburgh, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, Syracuse University, Indiana University Bloomington, The University of Texas at Austin, Coastal Carolina University, James Madison University, The College of New Jersey, The University of Tampa, University of Delaware, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Cornell University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Bard College, University of Vermont, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey -- New Brunswick, Clark University, Skidmore College, McGill University, Quinnipiac University, University of St. Andrews, University of Connecticut, University of Glasgow, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Miami, University of South Carolina -- Columbia, Virginia Tech, University of Rochester, Baylor University, Case Western Reserve University, John Carroll University, The Ohio State University -- Columbus, University of Cincinnati, Duquesne University, University of Pennsylvania, American University, College of William and Mary, Fordham University, Gettysburg College, Lehigh University, Christopher Newport University, Binghamton University, The State University of New York, Connecticut College, Franklin & Marshall College, Rochester Institute of Technology, Vassar College, Clemson University, Elon University, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor, University of Wisconsin -- Madison, Muhlenberg College, Iowa State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -- Daytona Beach, Florida Institute of Technology, The University of Alabama, Huntsville, Ohio State University at Newark, The, University of Rhode Island, University of New Hampshire, Stony Brook University, University of California, Davis, Colgate University, The George Washington University, University of Maryland -- Baltimore County, Auburn University, Southern Methodist University, Catholic University of America, Point Park University, Temple University, High Point University, College of the Holy Cross, Villanova University, Dickinson College, Wesleyan University, Emerson College, University of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson University, Rowan University, Albright College, Northeastern University, College of Charleston, Rollins College, Flagler College, Tulane University, George Mason University, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Pratt Institute, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arizona State University -- Tempe Campus, The University of Alabama, The University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Kentucky, North Carolina State University -- Raleigh, Stockton University, Eckerd College, Appalachian State University, Georgia State University, University of Richmond, Towson University, Florida Atlantic University, University of Mississippi, Macalester College, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Texas A&M University -- College Station, University of Central Florida, Louisiana State University, Marist College, Ithaca College, Loyola University Maryland, Hofstra University, Loyola Marymount University, University of Denver, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Iowa, Lindenwood University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Tufts University, Pennsylvania State University -- Harrisburg, Kenyon College, Immaculata University, Widener University, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Ursinus College, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Ohio University, West Virginia University, Sacred Heart University, Yale University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University of California, Irvine, The University of Utah, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, University of Florida, Pace University, University of Essex, Scripps College

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Experience: More than 15+ years

Campus tours: 11 to 15 / year


MA School Counseling Rosemont College

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