
I help families navigate their way through the college planning process by providing guidance, tools, and by facilitating a more in-depth dialogue that engages both the student and parents.

Specialties: college search planning, ACT/SAT strategic planning, college cost planning, campus visit coaching, application process advice, scholarship guidance

About Me

Tom helps students see and realize their potential. He aims to make the college planning process fun, exciting and healthy for students and families.

Tom started OnCampus College Planning more than 15 years ago. Since then, he has helped thousands of high-school students earn better ACT Test scores, find better college options and follow a better process and path to the University of You™.

Tom Kleese is a career educator and coach. He taught high school students and coached football for five years, and he taught with the University of Wisconsin System for more than ten years. He was awarded the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award.

Tom’s a huge fan of the movie Miracle. His favorite quote is from Herb Brooks: “Great moments are born from great opportunity.” If he could give one piece of advice to his 17-year-old self, Tom would say, “You’re going to regret not trying harder at the things that matter, so don’t let fear of embarrassment hold you back. Go all in, and then deal with the outcomes.”

Specialty Areas

Career/Aptitude Assessment

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Experience: More than 10 years

Campus tours: 11 to 15 / year


Master's Degree Master of Fine Arts, Fine/Studio Arts, General University of Wisconsin-Madison

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