Professional Background
After thirteen years in the broadcast advertising sales industry, Jen transitioned to college consulting and has been guiding young people through their college search and application process since 2009. As an active member in the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) and the Pacific Northwest chapter of the Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC), Jen faithfully upholds HECA’s Statement of Standards of Ethics and PNACAC’s (NACAC) Code of Ethics and Professional Practices.
Jen received her B.A. in Communication from the University of Puget Sound and earned her M.A. in Education from Seattle University’s College of Education Student Development Administration program. The background in student development gives Jen a unique perspective on how student services and student programming can enhance a student’s college experience and should be considered as students evaluate colleges for fit. Jen also attended the IECA Summer Training Institute for new college consultants and completed coursework from UCLA’s College Counseling certificate program before launching College Search Solution.
Professional Development and Involvement
Attending national conferences, visiting colleges, and engaging in seminars and workshops are all steps Jen takes regularly to ensure that she is providing the most relevant services and up to date information to you. The knowledge and expertise gained from these experiences translates directly to the value you receive when working with College Search Solution.
Jen is a regular volunteer within the college admissions community. Locally, she provides application support to AVID students at her neighborhood public high school and participates in workshops for students as they consider their post-secondary options. Regionally and nationally, Jen sits on conference support committees for PNACAC and HECA, has organized college tour events across the country for HECA member colleagues, and speaks at the NACAC College Fair in Seattle on how to choose a best fit college. In 2015, Jen was a Co-Chair of the HECA National Conference in Cincinnati, OH.
My Commitment to You
Jen commits to help your family navigate the college search and application process with your student’s well-being in mind. Jen is honest with her assessments and opinions, caring in her delivery, thorough with her research, and passionate about ensuring that your student is headed down an appropriate post-secondary path. Every student has an open door before them. It’s a matter of discovering the right door to walk through!
College Search Solution cannot guarantee admission to a college or university and does not have any leverage with admission staff. No counselor or consultant does or should tell you otherwise.
General Ed Counseling
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Experience: More than 15+ years
Campus tours: 16 to 20 / year
Packages offered
Hourly Services offered
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