When I first started working with teens, I wasn’t that much older or different than your typical high school senior. I had just graduated from Georgetown University and was hired to teach English at my former high school. I remember my first day; I was nervous and uncertain about how I would be perceived by my students. Well, there was nothing to worry about as a connection was formed instantaneously. When I left a few years later to start my own tutoring business, many of my former students sought me out for assistance. They asked me to help them with SAT prep, college applications, and essays. Sometimes, some simply came to chat. After working as a tutor and an independent counselor for about ten years, I decided to specialize as an Independent Educational Consultant. I founded My Choice College Prep so that I could pursue my passion of guiding students through the entire college application process.
High School English Teacher, Union School, 2007-2011
Tutor/Owner, Erica’s Educational Services, 2011-2018
BSBA Georgetown University 2006
M.A. in English, National University, 2010
TEFL Certificate, University of Toronto, 2014
Independent Educational Consultant Certificate, University of California Irvine, 2020
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Experience: Less than 10 years
Campus tours: 6 to 10 / year
M.A. English National University
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