
B.A. Middlebury College, Biology and Psychology
Harvard Institute on College Admissions, Certificate

Summer Institute for Independent College Consultants

​Former Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Davidson College

Former Athletic Liaison and Application Reader for D-1 Athletes

Former Merit Scholarship Interviewer and Committee Member

Former Admissions Counselor, Davidson College

Seasonal Admissions Application Reader, Selective Liberal Arts Institution

Former High School Teacher, Westchester Academy

Reviewed thousands of applications

Current parent of college students

Chair of College Guidance Program at Local High School

About Me

B.A. Middlebury College, Biology and Psychology
Harvard Institute on College Admissions, Certificate

Summer Institute for Independent College Consultants

Former Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Davidson College

Former Athletic Liaison and Application Reader for D-1 Athletes

Former Merit Scholarship Interviewer and Committee Member

Former Admissions Counselor, Davidson College

Seasonal Admissions Application Reader, Selective Liberal Arts Institution

Former High School Teacher, Westchester Academy

Reviewed thousands of applications

Current parent of college students

Chair of College Guidance Program at Local High School

Specialty Areas

Students Enrolled

Pratt Institute, Bates College, Boston College, Trinity College, University of Georgia, Miami University -- Oxford, University of South Carolina -- Columbia, Xavier University, Purdue University -- West Lafayette, The Ohio State University -- Columbus, Montana State University -- Bozeman, University of Denver, The University of Utah, University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, University of Oregon, Appalachian State University, James Madison University, University of Colorado Boulder, Texas Christian University, Baylor University, University of Dayton, Ohio University, Clemson University, University of Kentucky, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -- Daytona Beach, North Carolina State University -- Raleigh, Western Michigan University, Saint Louis University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Cincinnati, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, University of Pittsburgh, Indiana University Bloomington, Bowling Green State University, Southern Methodist University, University of Wisconsin -- Madison, University of Miami, University of Notre Dame, Babson College, Trinity University, Sewanee: The University of the South, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, DePaul University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Wright State University, Hawaii Pacific University, University of Minnesota Duluth, University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities, University of California -- Los Angeles, Arizona State University -- Tempe Campus, University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor, The University of Alabama, Loyola University Chicago, Wake Forest University, Washington and Lee University, Butler University, Ohio Northern University, Elon University, Colorado School of Mines, Saint Mary's College, Auburn University, Santa Clara University, Fordham University, Northeastern University, Belmont University, Westmont College, University of Kansas, Ohio Wesleyan University, Bellarmine University, The College of Wooster, Wittenberg University, The University of Arizona, Florida State University, University of Florida, Michigan State University, The American University of Paris, American University, Florida Southern College, Cleveland State University, College of Charleston, Florida Gulf Coast University, Arizona State University -- Downtown Phoenix Campus, University of New Haven, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Rhodes College, Shawnee State University, Marquette University, University of South Carolina -- Beaufort, University of Mississippi.

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Experience: Less than 10 years

Campus tours: 6 to 10 / year


BA Biology and Psychology Middlebury College

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