a graduate of Wellesley College and Harvard
I help students successfully navigate the competitive college admissions process, maximize their potential, and get accepted to their top choice schools...
…by showing them how to develop a powerful mindset, bring out the best versions of themselves, and set themselves apart while laying a strong foundation for pursuing a life of impact through college and beyond.
My no-nonsense and intensive mentoring programs have taken ambitious students from the beginning, helping them strengthen their profiles and gain acceptances to top-ranked colleges and universities including: Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, Brown, Emory, Amherst, and many more.
Will you be next?
We do it better than anyone else in the world because of the IDEAL Principle – our proprietary systematic approach based on the convergence of research, time-tested strategies, and admissions psychology.
Our clients leverage the IDEAL Principle within our FX Framework through our exclusive targeted programs, individualized consulting, and transformative coaching.
It’s time for you to Forge Extraordinary.
If not you, then who?
Meet with
Experience: Less than 10 years
Campus tours: 3 to 5 / year
Master's Degree MEd, Psychology, Human Development Harvard Graduate School of Education
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