I help students in all educational settings create clear, concise, and compelling college admission applications and I assist home educating parents as they craft their counselor documents. Writers of all ages benefit from the suggestions I offer as I affectionately affirm their authentic voices.
I'm a professional member of IECA and one of seven inaugural recipients of their Making a Difference Award. Within IECA, I formed and served as the first chair of the homeschool affinity group. Our group grew to over 100 members in the first year. With the help of some fantastic co-chairs, I planned or hosted three college admission panels with nine colleges and universities. We also created a "best practices for working with homeschoolers" document and made it available to all IECA members. I presented at the Fall 2020 IECA conference and served as a faculty member for IECA's 2021 Summer Training Institute.
In my work at Brave Writer, I coached 300+ high school students in a wide variety of 4-6 week online classes. My supervisors asked me to train (1 of 2 facilitators) a cohort of ten newly hired high school instructors. Once new coaches began teaching, I supervised and individually mentored seven of them during their first classes.
During my two decades as a home educator, I selected and created homeschooling materials while I taught my five children who span a fourteen-year age range. My philosophy of education included quality group interactions and I organized or led literature and writing groups, a Science Olympiad team, math clubs, public speaking classes and clubs, and field trips too numerous to list. I formed and moderated an online 500+ member homeschool support group. When our local IPSD 204 school district changed its school board policies regarding homeschoolers, I helped them craft a fair and equitable policy. I enthusiastically fostered connections between the Naperville homeschooling community and the Lederman and Early Scholars program at North Central College.
Prior to homeschooling, I taught secondary social studies at a Coalition of Essential Schools program within a public high school. My articles have been published in Homeschool Enrichment and Practical Homeschooling magazines. IECA's Insights newsletter will soon publish a column I co-wrote.
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Experience: More than 10 years
Campus tours: 6 to 10 / year
MA Masters of Arts , Secondary Education and Teaching University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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