
New York University

Responses from the Student Interview

From a student  who identifies as Major: Journalism
Minor: African Studies
Student Self Identifies as: Hispanic Heterosexual Female


I’m in Greek Life and I work for the NYU student newspaper, Washington Square News.


Gender Identity: Female
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

High School Experience: Private school in Miami, FL with about 200 people in the graduating class. There was a very prominent culture of going to college.
First Generation College Student: No
Major: Journalism
Minor: African Studies

Extracurricular Activities: I’m in Greek Life and I work for the NYU student newspaper, Washington Square News.
How has Greek Life impacted your experience so far?
It has given me such a great group of people to surround myself with. A sorority gives you a good base to find lots of people with similar interests and beliefs as you. It provides great support, philanthropy events, and is a humbling process.

Academic Experience

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at NYU?
My favorite class is Writing I, under the Liberal Studies wing. We didn’t learn just stuff applying to the classroom, we got to explore different neighborhoods around the city. It combined creativity and research that we collected first-hand.
What has been your least favorite class at NYU?
My least favorite has been Calculus I. The information was not provided to me in an ideal manner, but it’s been a learning experience and an opportunity to grow.
Is there anything you feel that NYU has done especially well or poorly academically?
Picking classes is a challenge because people don’t always have the same times as each other, making it hard to get the teacher and time you would like.
How would you describe the learning environment? Do you think it’s particularly competitive or collaborative?
I think it’s both, which gives you the chance to work with people but also push yourself. You don’t want to be comfortable when you come to college, you want to grow. There are definitely people you still have to lean on, such as friends and teachers.
How accessible have your professors been?
All my teachers have been accessible when I need them. If their office hours don’t work for me they will meet before or after class.

Reasons to Attend

1) The professors are very passionate. They care about your education and will provide you experiences both inside and out of the classroom.
2) I’ve grown as a person tremendously in the four months I’ve been here. You really become independent and grow towards being an adult.
3) The city is an amazing environment. NYU gives you a fair amount of chances to better your academic and social life while seeing what New York has to offer.

Reasons Not to Attend

1) It’s a bit overwhelming [at first], so if you are more reserved this may be something to consider.
2) You have to be willing to put yourself out there.

Around Campus

Where have you lived on campus?
Freshman: Third Avenue North with 1 roommate and 2 suitemates
How was transitioning from Miami to Manhattan, NY?
It was super easy and I tell people I’ve never been happier. When I come home to my dorm, it feels like I’m coming home to great people which allows the whole experience to truly be great.
Can you describe the level of safety you’ve experienced on and around campus?
They have something called Safe Ride, where you can call them and an NYU van will come to pick you up and take you home after 12 AM for free. Being in the city is different because it’s not necessarily a college campus. They are also very thorough about checking IDs when you enter a dorm building.

Social Opportunities

What kind of nightlife or weekend activities do you like to participate in at NYU?
There are cool parties and some 18+ clubs you could go to. I go out Thursday through Saturday. I usually just go to a club, or sometimes there will be house or apartment parties off-campus. These will sometimes be held by random people or fraternities.
Describe a typical going out night freshman year. How did it differ from when you are now more established socially on campus?
During welcome week there is a website that lists all the great events happening. My roommates and I would go out together because we got so close so quick. This was a great introduction to nightlife. Because the city is so big, it’s hard to figure out where to go. I also branched out in classes and met more people through my roommates.
What is the impact of Greek life on nightlife?
It’s given me a lot of good people to go out with in a safe environment. It’s a good group of girls I can feel safe with and genuinely enjoy the time we spend together.
How happy are you with the nightlife at NYU? Is there anything you would change if you could?
I’m very happy with it. There is always something to do.

Campus Culture

How did you meet your closest friends?
My roommate and my sorority.
How would you describe the overall social scene at NYU?
It’s something where you have to put in the effort for. If you want to meet people and get involved, you will have to put yourself out there because the city is so large. There is going to be something for everyone, depending on what you choose to get involved with. It’s about taking the opportunity at hand but you can’t expect something to just come up.
To what extent do you feel people of different races and sexual orientations mix socially?
I would say a decent amount. You always see different people when you go out, even if you tend to stick with the same group. I’d say about half of my interactions include a good diverse group. [The largest percentage of students are International, making up 24% of the population. The second highest population is White, at 21%.]
How has the size of NYU influenced your social experience?
I love the size. It gives you the chance to meet new people and make new friends. The campus is well suited for us because [NYU has] a huge student body. [The undergraduate student population is 29,406]. I love the spread-out campus, and Greenwich Village kind of feels like a campus itself. I will run into people I know on the way to class.
How would you describe the student body?
I would say everyone is pretty career oriented. Everyone has their ambitions set, and it is pretty competitive. Some people will be preppy, and some will be a little hippie. It’s an artsy school overall, but you find a good variety.
How strong is the Hispanic community on campus?
I’m not in any clubs associated with it, but a good amount of people I know are more involved.


Financial Aid

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